Activities of Departments and Units at Education Service Commission
The Commission is comprised of two departments and four Units. The departments are Education services and Finance and Administration Departments. Meanwhile the Units are Policy Analysis, Information Science, Procurement and Internal Units.
Functions of Education Service Department
- To appoint Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff for the Education Service.
- To recruit Teaching and Non Teaching Staff for Kampala Capital City Authority.
- To validate the appointment of teaching and non Teaching Staff in secondary schools and other training institutions under ESC Jurisdiction.
- To confirm and regularize the appointment of Education Service personnel.
- To grant study leave and review disciplinary cases submitted by MoES.
- To visit and provide guidance and support supervision to Districts on matters related to Education Service personnel.
Functions of the Policy Analysis Unit
- To prepare and submit to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development both the Budget Framework Paper and Ministerial Policy Statement.
- To prepare and submit the Quarterly and Annual Performance and Financial Reports to MoFPED, Office of the Prime Minister and Parliament.
- To produce Annual Reports on ESC Key outputs
- To prepare and submit the Commission's Performance Contracts and Quarterly Work plans to MoFPED.
- To evaluate implementation of the Scheme of Service in the primary education sub-sector.
- To print and disseminate the Education Service Commission Regulations and the Teachers' Professional Code of Conduct.
- To attend and participate in all Education and Sports Sector policy meetings, reviews and workshops.
- Prepare and submit the Result Oriented Management (ROM) Reports and Education and Sports Sector Annual Performance Report (ESSAPR) to MoPS and MoES, respectively.
- To conduct research, and to Monitoring and Evaluation function of the Commission.
Functions of Finance and Administration Department
- To prepare and submit Final Books of Accounts to MoFPED.
- To prepare and submit Financial Reports and Statements to MoFPED.
- To secure and pay staff salaries, wages and allowances.
- To organize Workshops and meetings.
- To procure goods and services.
- To plan for staff development and training.
- To prepare and submit audit and procurement reports to MoFPED and PPDA.
- Preparing payroll reports
- To prepare and maintain stores registers.
- To arrange and participate in Commission meetings, reviews and workshops.
Functions of Internal Audit Unit
- To produce Payroll Audit reports;
- To produce Non-Wage audit reports;
- To produce Project audit reports;
- To write Management Letter/Quarterly Reports
Functions of Procurement Unit
- To manage of the procurement of goods and services
- To ensure effective management of disposal of goods and services
- To produce Monthly, Quarterly, Semi- Annual and Annual Procurement Reports
- To produce annual Procurement Plan
- To conduct workshops on Procurement activities and Processes
Functions of Information Science Unit
- To support ESC ICT Functions,
- To ensure the availability of Internet of connectivity and e-mail services,
- To ensure Anti-Virus subscriptions
- To provide Centralized management and sharing of ICT resources using the Commission ICT Network
- To maintain the Education Service Commission Website
- To maintain the one-stop Information Resource Centre.
- To continue with development and update of the Electronic Database for all Education Service personnel
- To provide adequate information and Records Management
- To conduct ICT Training, Workshops and Seminars to staff